Half-Life Alyx theory
If you haven’t played the game (or seen the ending), you better stop right here, as the following contain spoilers.
After finishing Half-Life:Alyx, the role of G-Man became clear to me and all pieces simply fell in place. This theory may not explain every bit of the Half-Life plot, but it will let us understand the basic concept behind it. If you are expecting a 100% realistic answer you may be disappointed, as this theory has a more abstract approach. If you’re familiar with David Lynch, you’ll feel right at home. The quotes below are from G-Man at the ending of Half-Life Alyx. Here it goes:
The G-Man: He represents Valve, the story writers and developers, those who decide the future of Half Life. He’s the tool via whom stuff happens in the Half-Life universe. If for example a DLC needs to me made, G-Man will do what’s necessary so that the game has a plot and a reason for existence. He’s the cog between Valve and stuff happening inside the game.
You can hear him admit this:
“Some believe that the fate of this world is inflexible. My employers disagree. They authorize me to nudge things in a particular direction from time to time”.
If you think about it, whenever a new Half-Life game has to appear, G-Man does his magic on the background. For example, he’s the one who wakes up Gordon Freeman. His employers are Valve and the game developers.
Gordon Freeman: He used to represent the player. All players playing the game connected with the Half Life universe via Gordon’s eyes. Between Half-Life 1 and Half -Life 2, 6 years elapsed. During this time, Gordon was in a “hibernation state” .When Half-life 2 began, his consciousness (us, the players) is brought back to life.
Gordon served the series well, but after HL episode 3, the series went on a halt. Valve worked on lots of prototypes with Gordon that led nowhere and got canceled.
This is why G-Man says:
“A previous hire has been unable to perform the tasks laid before him”
“We have struggled to find a suitable replacement. Until now”
After 13 years of effort, Valve turns to Alyx for the protagonist of a new game. And she seems to be suited for the job. She’s much more than what they originally thought. And hence Half-Life Alyx comes to life.
“You are aware that you’ve proven yourself to be of extraordinary value”.
Indeed, Alyx managed to bring back Half Life from the dead.
Alyx asks a favor from G-Man. She wants the Combine off earth. G-man can twist the plot a bit, but he can’t do this particular favor because the Half-Life series would cease to exist.
“That would be a considerably large nudge.
Too large, given the interests of my employers”
The interest of Valve is to make new Half Life games. If the Combine are gone, there would be no interest for a new game. So, Alyx asks to save her father. This is a nudge that can be made by G-Man. Valve has no issues with that, as it would push the plot forward and create an opportunity for a new game.
So, what about the vault where G-Man was trapped? I think that it represents a place with no time or space as the game is concerned. It’s like a simulation, closer to the game engine and the developers. If this was Matrix, it’s where the architect would be.
Until the next game is released, G-Man hibernates Alyx as he used to do for Gordon.
Subject: Alyx Vance
Status: hired
So probably the next game will be with Alyx??